A New Found Appreciation for my Body

    I am, sadly, like the majority of the population; I can appreciate the beauty in others in all of their forms while finding nothing but flaws in my own body. I have always struggled with my weight, I have varicose veins, polycystic ovarian syndrome has left me with a plethora of embarrassing symptoms and now, two babies later and just weeks away from turning 30, things are already not where they used to be!
    Despite my own body constantly letting me down, I have always been interested in the human body. How is'ts put together and functions. While I had an amazing biology and anatomy teacher in high school that ignited that initial fire, obviously the anatomy and physiology course in massage school is much more in depth. We have been working our way through the levels of organization from chemical and cellular to tissues and membranes. The integumentary system, skeletal, muscular, nervous and endocrine systems just to name a few.
    If you take even just a minute to think about all that our bodies are doing, all day long while we go about our business totally taking it all for granted.....it kinda makes you feel like a real jerk. So often we hear expectant parents answer "do you want a boy or a girl" with, "we don't care as long as they are healthy". Health, something we all strive for. Our bodies were so perfectly made that without even asking they are constantly working to find perfect homeostasis. Every chemical, neuron, receptor, gland, hormone all of it doing its very important and specific job so we can do the 'simplest' thing. Who likes blinking? I sure do! I mean it's not something I think about, well I am now....
but if we COULDN'T blink we would notice real quick!
    In a kind of dark twist, even having a disease or some malformation is REALLY interesting! Think of all the things that have to go 'wrong' in your body and even still all the ways you body will naturally adapt to try and correct these problems! There is A LOT going on at any given second inside of our bodies and I am just in awe of it all.
    Really understanding all that is going on and how hard my body is working for me I truly have a better appreciation for my own body. I am not ready to say it's beautiful (I'll get there someday I hope) it has been through and done an awful lot for me and overall works pretty dang well. So next time you are having a bad body day, brush up on your anatomy and physiology because just being able to sit up, take in air and read this post has your body doing just a few of it's AWESOME functions.


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