Skeletal and Muscular Anatomy....dun-dun-DUN!
Here it is, the class we have been hearing about since day one! "Just wait until you get to Skeletal/Muscular Anatomy!" "No, THAT isn't a muscle test, you haven't seen anything yet!" "Only a few of us passed that quiz" "start studying the muscle origins and insertions NOW!". The senior class has knowingly or not scared the crap out of us!
So our first day rolls around and just walking in the door you could smell the fear ;-) We had previously had the pleasure of meeting our instructor Kathy Davis as a substitute for our A&P class. It was nice having a sense of who she was and her teaching style from that preview. She also has the unique experience of being a teacher and student at the school! So she knows first hand what we are all going through. With that, she started right out explaining the importance of all this information in our career. The requirement of this knowledge is something we will need and use daily, not just a way to push us to our limits. She also explained that with some suggestion from previous classes, some changes had been made that would hopefully make the curriculum and testing a little friendlier. Cue the sigh of relief! We quickly dove into our books and covering material.
The books we are using for this course include a large textbook and smaller workbook. I really like the books and they way they have the information organized and helpful pictures. As a hands on and visual learner I love the work book. I am finding it helpful to make copies of the work pages before we fill them out in class to use as practice tests for studying. There are also accompanying flash cards and app for the books that also help with studying and I would suggest investing in.
Kathy is a wonderful teacher. She is probably the smartest person I've ever met and still keeps things light and fun. I will admit it is still A LOT of information and is expected to be learned very quickly. For me the origin and insertion are the hardest parts to stud. What I have found to be most helpful is to get very comfortable with pictures and palpation before even tackling them. This way even if you cant just rattle off the origin and insertion, you can make a very educated guess from your multiple choices based on the picture you can pull up in your head. This class will definitely take more study time than previous courses so budget your time appropriately. Ask questions and find tricks that work for you. Maybe it's making copies and filling out those work pages over and over, maybe its drawing the muscles on yourself until you're covered in marker or molding them out of play dough. Find a trick that will work best for you and roll with it. You've GOT THIS! No scare tactics from class 04 ;-)
So our first day rolls around and just walking in the door you could smell the fear ;-) We had previously had the pleasure of meeting our instructor Kathy Davis as a substitute for our A&P class. It was nice having a sense of who she was and her teaching style from that preview. She also has the unique experience of being a teacher and student at the school! So she knows first hand what we are all going through. With that, she started right out explaining the importance of all this information in our career. The requirement of this knowledge is something we will need and use daily, not just a way to push us to our limits. She also explained that with some suggestion from previous classes, some changes had been made that would hopefully make the curriculum and testing a little friendlier. Cue the sigh of relief! We quickly dove into our books and covering material.
The books we are using for this course include a large textbook and smaller workbook. I really like the books and they way they have the information organized and helpful pictures. As a hands on and visual learner I love the work book. I am finding it helpful to make copies of the work pages before we fill them out in class to use as practice tests for studying. There are also accompanying flash cards and app for the books that also help with studying and I would suggest investing in.
Kathy is a wonderful teacher. She is probably the smartest person I've ever met and still keeps things light and fun. I will admit it is still A LOT of information and is expected to be learned very quickly. For me the origin and insertion are the hardest parts to stud. What I have found to be most helpful is to get very comfortable with pictures and palpation before even tackling them. This way even if you cant just rattle off the origin and insertion, you can make a very educated guess from your multiple choices based on the picture you can pull up in your head. This class will definitely take more study time than previous courses so budget your time appropriately. Ask questions and find tricks that work for you. Maybe it's making copies and filling out those work pages over and over, maybe its drawing the muscles on yourself until you're covered in marker or molding them out of play dough. Find a trick that will work best for you and roll with it. You've GOT THIS! No scare tactics from class 04 ;-)
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